Friday, November 22, 2013

HRM | What steps should a manager take in helping a new employee fit into the work environment in a way that furthers his/her development and performance potential?

What steps should a manager take in helping a new employee fit into the work environment in a way that furthers his/her development and performance potential?

A manager should be concerned about socialization and orientation in helping a new employee fit into the work environment so that his/her development and performance potential are enhanced. Socialization is the process of influencing the expectations, behavior, and attitudes of a new employee in a way considered desirable by the organization. The objective of socialization in the context of human resource management is to help achieve the best possible fit among the individual, the job, and the organization. Socialization of newcomers begins with orientation, which is a set of activities designed to familiarize new employees with their jobs, coworkers, and key aspects of the organization as a whole. Good orientation enhances a person’s understanding of the organization and adds purpose to his or her daily job activities. The first six months of employment are often crucial in determining how well someone is going to perform over the long run.
Source: Management, 11th Edition & 12th Edition- John R. Schermerhorn

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